Forum Discussion

ScottPugh's avatar
Qrew Cadet
5 years ago

International Character Support

Having some trouble getting a text string into QB that includes international characters.   

Here is the original string:  LÉČIVA 5 UI/ml soluţie injectabilă

I have confirmed that if I copy/paste this into a Rich Text field I can store and view it within QB with no issues  (interestingly a regular text field does NOT work)

My challenge now is I am sending these strings into QB via the addrecord API... The XML used in the body of the API call to add this field is below.   I've confirmed it is the correct UTF-8 encoded string:
<field fid="xx">L\xc3\x89\xc4\x8cIVA 5 UI/ml solu\xc5\xa3ie injectabil\xc4\x83</field></qdbapi>

However when sending in via API the resulting text in QB appears as:
LÉCIVA 5 UI/ml solutie injectabila

Just trying to figure out if this is something I"m doing wrong in the API call...or if this is the expected behavior of QB.

Scott Pugh

1 Reply

  • An update in case it helps others....  the 'official' response from QB is that natively this isnt supported as only single-byte characters are currently supported BUT that it is something QB is working on to support in the near future.

    In the meantime I did discover a workaround that seems to work for my needs- although may still be dependent on customer's browser settings.

    In my external service that is managing these strings and making the QB API calls I did two things:
    1. First I HTML encoded the strings
    2.  Then, I base64 encoded the strings

    I sent the base64 encoded string through as part of the XML payload of the addrecord API call.  On the QB side I created a formula- rich text field  which decodes the base64 string... the result is an HTML encoded string that displays correctly in the rich text field

    Scott Pugh