Forum Discussion

AprylStoldt's avatar
Qrew Cadet
6 years ago

ipad desktop view

I have several users who access our quickbase app from an Ipad. They use it in desktop view for the ease of use since we have so much information on a form. I have had several complaints of fields not working correctly. One person cant select a check box, another cant select options from a multiple choice field. Every time they select the field it won't change. The problems are not the same for every user, and sometimes can be different on different records. Are other people having this problem? Is there something I can do to fix the issue? Any recommendations for trying to trouble shoot the issue?
  • Thank you, I'm glad I'm not alone, I've searched the forums and all the other posts about this issue are 4 or 5 years old. I have had a help desk ticket open for nearly two months with no results, no tips, no nothing.  As far as QB Help is concerned, they have fixed all the problems.  This problem does not happen on my phone when using the desktop site, only the iPad. And it's different between iPads, on one everything works fine, but on another it doesn't work. On one iPad check boxes will select until I scroll, then they won't select at all. On another iPad, check boxes and drop downs won't select at all. My problem is mostly in grid edit, which isn't an option in mobile view. It is way too time consuming to have to click each record to edit it in mobile view. I need to be able to edit reports in grid edit on the iPad in full desktop version. It is super frustrating! 

  • You should use Quick Base Product Feedback for adding grid edit to the mobile app. I'm sure there are other people who are wanting that feature as much as you. As far as your current problem goes, try installing another browser on the devices you are having problems on. You might find a browser that supports the full site on mobile pretty well. For example, if you are using Safari, try installing Google Chrome or Firefox.
  • AustinK's avatar
    Qrew Commander
    You could try a different browser but just know that every browser on the Apple store uses the same rendering engine(Safari) under the hood. This is by design, Apple's ecosystem is very tight and locked down. Chrome and Firefox are basically just Safari with a different skin as far as rendering goes. That doesn't mean they don't do anything differently at all though so it could be worth a try.

    On March 12th 2019 it looks like QuickBase had an iOS and Android release specifically for tablets. Before this I believe they didn't really fully support tablets. Have you tried the app since then? It may have a better experience than you had before. It is something worth checking anyway.

    Other than that I agree that any time you spend on improving mobile forms would be well spent. You might have to re-create many forms but if you have a lot of mobile users it should pay off big time if you can make a much better user experience.
  • I tried it on IPad yesterday using Chrome and I still have same issues. While I can look into the mobile forms, but if it doesnt support grid edit it wont work well for what they need. 
  • AustinK's avatar
    Qrew Commander
    I did a little more research and honestly I think most of this is an Apple issue. If you do a search on Google/Bing you will find lots of Apple users who were complaining about not being able to check a checkbox on various websites. It seems to be something to do with the css styles used and how Apple handles them or something like that. These were somewhat recent too, I could find people just last year saying it was still happening.

    As far as grid edit goes you could try submitting it via User Voice and see if enough other people feel the same way as you. If things there get enough votes they can possibly be implemented. I wish I had a better answer for you but iPads just don't seem to be great to use with QuickBase.
  • Hello Apryl and others. Thanks for bringing this up and sharing your experiences.

    We at Quick Base are aware of many of these issues and absolutely recognize the need to improve these experiences with iPads and on mobile interfaces in general. While some of these frustrations might in fact be associated with how Apple or various browsers are set up, that's not an excuse for us to not solve the problems you're having.

    We're here to provide you with the tools you need to get your work done.

    So, we're working hard to prioritize the most pressing issues and to deliver a much richer set of mobile capabilities this year. Please keep feedback like this coming, and we'll do what we can to address your concerns.
