Forum Discussion

2 Replies

  • I do not think this is natively possible in Quickbase. 

    However the way around it would be to use a 3rd party cloud app like Google Sheets or BOX and place the URL in the quickbase field. It would open the latest version of the file which can be edited simultanously. Box has a built in connector to edit MS Office documents live with multiple users simultaneously.

    If you need help let me know and I can set you up.
  • Hi Olga,

    Avi would be correct, currently it is not natively possible for .xls and .ppt documents to be opened and edited directly in Quick Base. They instead have to be downloaded, updated via the users computer (they would need the correct software), and the now edited file imported back into Quick Base. Thank you for your question and I'm sorry there isn't a native option we could point you to.