Forum Discussion

VW's avatar
Qrew Trainee
2 years ago

Is Not Null


I'm looking for some help using if( not is null)...

I have a field called "Seat #" and another called "Verification Cleared?."
"Verification Cleared?" is multiple-choice that can have the response of "N/A," "Approved,"  "Denied," or "Pending."

I'm trying to create a formula that says if "Seat #" is not null and "Verification Cleared?" = "Pending" to be called "Incomplete".  Or if "Seat #" is not null and "Verification Cleared?" = any of the other options in the M/C to be called "Complete."

This is what I currently have:

ToText(If(not IsNull([Seat #]), "",
[Verification Cleared?] = "Pending",

I added the "ToText" because it was giving me the yellow highlight for "Seat #" that it was expecting a date or number.  When I have it as the formula I have now, it just comes out blank.  The formula will work if I just have it If(IsNull), but it will still have that yellow highlight for Seat #.  

What should I change to make this work?  Thank you!


3 Replies

  • What field type is seat number - numeric or text?
    But assuming that it is a text field like an airline seat, then try this

    [Seat #]<>"" and
    [Verification Cleared?] = "Pending",  "Incomplete",
    [Seat #]<>"", "Complete")

    Mark Shnier (Your Quickbase Coach)
      • VW's avatar
        Qrew Trainee

        That's what I was suspecting.  Thanks, Mark!

        V W