Forum Discussion

RickPutnam's avatar
Qrew Cadet
4 years ago

Is there a way to configure which fields are displayed as modified in a notification email?


How might I configure a notification so that the fields are not included in the list of changes included in the notification?

My table has a lot of formula fields dependent on the "Status" field. A notification that is triggered by a change in status includes a list of all the affected formula fields. The fields are not relevant to the recipient and in several cases contain URL links that the recipient should not be seeing. Maybe field permissions is the key?

For example:

Payment request 37 was changed:
  Workflow: Status changed from Pending to Approval Requested
  Workflow: Next Workflow Status changed from Approval Requested to Merch Approved
  Workflow: Current Responsib... changed from Buyer to Merchandising Manager

These "Workflow" fields are used to manage apps workflow and as such are not relevant to the notification recipient.


Rick Putnam
  • If you know which field you want to monitor for, Then you can use the following syntax.

    the status was changed from [old.status] 
    to [status]

    If you prefix the field name with old. then it will show the old Value of the field just before the record was saved.

    So in this case you would be doing a custom notification as opposed to the default.

    Mark Shnier (YQC)
    • RickPutnam's avatar
      Qrew Cadet
      Hi, Mark,

      I think I wasn't clear. I want to not display some of the changed fields in the notification -- those which are not relevant to the recipient. That said, I think you've given me a clue to try a custom notification.


      Rick Putnam
      • MarkShnier__You's avatar
        Icon for Qrew Legend rankQrew Legend
        Right, so the default notification will give you all the change fields but if you want to pick and choose then you have to build a custom notification.

        Mark Shnier (YQC)