Forum Discussion

RebeccaKnecht__'s avatar
Qrew Member
2 years ago

Link to form

I was working with a development team who created a button I can click on which displays a word document and the document changes based on certain slections from the main form. Below is a screenshot. I am looking to use this same method to add a new form. i.e. take a word document attach it to quickbase and allow certain items to fill in or be checked off based off what is selected on the main form

Rebecca Knecht, MS, ACSM-CEP
  • Are you looking to push a button and generate a Word or PDF document with data filled into the document along with the boilerplate template?  Then I strongly suggest you look at paying for an add-on called Juiced Exact Forms Plus.

    Mark Shnier (Your Quickbase Coach)
    • RebeccaKnecht__'s avatar
      Qrew Member

      right now it just opens a webpage URL and i print it to PDF, Im looking to reolicate this but I dont have a development team anymore so I am trying to do it myself. Basically im wondering where the URL comes from that creates the form that i gave them to recreate. Let me know if im not being super clear about it. 

      Rebecca Knecht, MS, ACSM-CEP
      • MarkShnier__You's avatar
        Icon for Qrew Legend rankQrew Legend

        I suspect that you app is using native Quickbase Exact Forms.  I myself never use that with my clients as I feel its a bit of a pain to create and update the forms.  imho The Juiced Add on is more user friendly when you don't have a dev team to do the work for you.

        You would have to read the Help information in Quickbase about something called Exact Forms.  

        Mark Shnier (Your Quickbase Coach)