Linking invoices to documents and combining files.
Ok so I am trying to thing the best way to do this, so any thoughts or ideas are appreciated.
We are a car calibration company. We service cars for Collison shops.
We have a table of all the cars that we estimate. works great. We just build in estimates and invoices. Works great. So much more amazing data now.
When we send invoices to client and they give it to insurance for payment, they fight it. all the time. So we have OEM docs from all the car manufacturers. Every year and every model so 100s of them. Each saying why the work we did is mandatory and should not be skipped.
What we would like to do...
When we make an invoice it lists the car make model and year. (this is also in a table) I want quickbase to then link up the corresponding OEM doc (a pdf) and ideally add it to the Invoice so when i hit print save as pdf it also adds all the needed oem docs to it so its 1 pdf with everything they need.
I know i could have it had a hyperlink but they are too lazy to go get them that way so attached to the do would be amazing.
Ali Mohsenian