Forum Discussion

MichaelTamoush's avatar
Qrew Captain
4 years ago

Loading Time - New Reports

Just checking before I submit a user voice - is the load time on the new reports INCREDIBLY SLOW for everyone? I don't even think it loads the entire table for me.

When I scroll down on a report, even something with say 1000 records, it will continuously try to 'load' the bottom of the page. I can wait 5 or 10 minutes, scroll down and I still have to wait. Almost as if it's not pre-loading the records, but trying to do it live, as I scroll?

It's essentially un-usable for me, wondering if others are experiencing the same.

Mike Tamoush

2 Replies

  • imho, they have gone too far on load on scroll for reports.  It should load the whole page.  Yes, put in a user voice.  They do read every single one of those and they will combine it with other similar suggestions if its a duplicate.  I have suggested that too.  For wide reports, the scroll on load is also annoying to get to see the extra columns.

    I also have a problem, that if you need to see the totals on a report that its great that you can quickly get to the last page of the report, but depending on the line count on that last page, it can take several scroll bar pulls to get enough page loads to get to see the totals.

    Mark Shnier (YQC)
    Quick Base Solution Provider
    Your Quick Base Coach
    • MichaelTamoush's avatar
      Qrew Captain
      Used 3 of my votes on your user voice!

      Mike Tamoush