Forum Discussion

DeepaPrashant1's avatar
Qrew Cadet
2 years ago

Log changes to a field in GRID EDIT mode

I've looked up community discussions on this topic but cannot ascertain if there is a way to do this yet.

My form rules work without issues in logging changes to a field in a table. But I've received a request that users would like to add multiple records together rather than one at a time in a form. So I thought of providing a report and have them use GRID EDIT to add multiple records together. But how do I track who approved a record and when? Can I use a formula field that uses snapshot to see who modified the record when that "Approval" field changed?

Any creative way of doing this? 



Deepa Prashant
  • Pipelines will be your best option. You would trigger the Pipeline when your sign off field or approval is entered in Grid Edit - and then the Pipeline would trigger on that field change and you can log back the value from last modified by as the user that approved it and the date modified as the date it was approved. 

    Chayce Duncan
    • DeepaPrashant1's avatar
      Qrew Cadet

      Thank you Chayce! Pipelines worked like a charm. :-)

      Deepa Prashant