Forum Discussion

AnthonyWong1's avatar
Qrew Member
4 years ago

Make a button generate a quick note


I've made a field called CALL BUTTON (Showing as Called) as a formula - URL

This button is intended to add a note to a notes field called "Call Log". The note will be timestamped and label it as:

"[Timestamp, User] Call made"

Can someone support me with the appropriate input? Thank You

Anthony Wong

  • It sounds like you can use the EditRecord API

    Assuming the field id of the notes field is 6:
    https://target_domain/db/target_dbid?a=API_EditRecord&rid=[rid of record to update]&_fid_6=[value to input]&apptoken=app_token&rdr=[url to redirect to after updating]

    Ahuva Brown
  • Sounds like you just need a simple API_EditRecord.
    Also, you need to activate the "log entries" option on the property of the field so it would keep track of who/when as well. 

    URLRoot() & "db/" & Dbid() & "?a=API_EditRecord" &
    "&rid=" & [Record ID#] &
    "&apptoken=apptoken" &
    "&_fid_id=Completed" &
    "&rdr=" &
    URLEncode(URLRoot() & "db/" & Dbid() &"?a=dr&rid=" & [Record ID#])

    Replace the the values in bold with 1) app token 2) field id of your notes field
    Hope this helps. 

    Francesco Spiga
    • AnthonyWong1's avatar
      Qrew Member


      Thank you for your swift response!

      I added the URL and changed app token to : Called

      and the ID to 10 since my multi text field is in slot 10 of the table.

      It's still giving me an error message. Am I missing something or mistaken an action step?

      Thank you again for the support.

      Anthony Wong
      • AhuvaBrown's avatar
        Qrew Cadet
        Can you post your url and error message?

        Ahuva Brown