Forum Discussion

BobJones's avatar
Qrew Member
2 years ago

Mass edit form fields or dynamic form rules

Is there a way to mass edit similar form rules or field elements.

I need to duplicate 100+ dynamic form rules that just increment the name by 1

Date 1

Date 2


Date 100

It seems quickbase only allows you to do this manually by clicking on the copy button but then i would have to rename it anyways by hand. Unless I am missing something.

Bob Jones
  • Hi Bob!

    There isn't a way to 'mass edit' form rules.

    Out of curiosity though, is there a reason you're not using a child table? Obviously I don't know the specifics of the use case, but often times this type of scenario can be simplified by leveraging an embedded report.

    Ryan Pflederer
    • BobJones's avatar
      Qrew Member

      I did not orignally create this form so I just have to maintain it. I am currently looking into creating a child table so that I can just define a single rule set for every item. 

      Bob Jones