11 months agoQrew Cadet
Matching part of a user-list to another user list
I have two list-user fields - List1 and List2
I want to compare these two fields in a formula-checkbox field and have the result be true if ONE OR MORE user(s) from list1 appears in list2.
Example 1:
List1 - user1,user2
List2 - user2,user3,user4
Result would be true because user2 exists in both list1 and list2
Example 2:
List1 - user1,user2
List2 - user1,user2,user3,user4
Result would be true because one or more (both) user1 and user2 exist in both lists
Example 3:
List1 - user1,user2
List2 - user3,user4,user5
Result would be false
Any help?
Drew Voge