Forum Discussion

StephenJackson's avatar
Qrew Member
2 years ago

Merge data from two tables into one report

I am looking for help in making a report which will make nametags for the Contact, their spouse and any children associated with them -- each family size is different so some Contacts are single yet some are families of five.  

The Contact is saved in one table and the spouse & children are saved in another table. I've set it up so many spouse/children belong to one Contact.

I thought I could easily combine this data into a third table. There I want to create a report which pulls the names of the Contacts and the names of the spouses/children and puts it all in one column, but I'm running into issues doing that.

There should be a second column stating which Contact everyone belongs too, as well. 

Can someone please help me figure this out?

Or let me know if there's a better way to organize this data?

Stephen Jackson

3 Replies

  • KellyBianchi's avatar
    Qrew Assistant Captain

    I have been able to use formula fields to aggregate data. Are you familiar with those?

    Kelly Bianchi
  • An alternative is to have one table of contacts and relate it to itself.  Quickbase will ask you if you are sure you want to do that, but say OK.

    Name the field which connects the table to itself to be called Related Primary Contact.

    There will be a way to migrate exiting data from the Child table into the Parent table if you want to go this route.

    Another method is to have an automated process to copy to a third table.

    But I think having one table might be a better solution.

    Mark Shnier (Your Quickbase Coach)
    • StephenJackson's avatar
      Qrew Member

      Thanks for the reply, Mark. Going to one table is a helpful suggestion and I think gives me a path to solve this. Thanks!!

      Stephen Jackson