Forum Discussion
Could you set it as a variable and then send it to JSON at the end? I did something similar before.
{% set jsonPayload = {
"service": "CreateOrder",
"site_Acc_id": "gausolar",
"order_source": "GoSolr Test",
"fname": "{{ }}",
"lname": "{{ a.surname }}",
"email": "{{ }}",
"mobile": "{{ a.mobile_number }}",
"wnumber": "{{ a.mobile_number }}",
"email": "{{ }}",
"unit_id": "",
"street_num": "",
"street_name": "{{ a.premise_address }}",
"region": "{{ a.area_of_install }}",
"city": "",
"suburb": "",
"service_array": [
"supplier_sku": "{{ a.system_size_sku }}",
"roof_type": "{{ a.roof_type }}",
"flat_roof": "{{ a.is_flat_roof }}"
"instl_address": "{{ a.premise_address }}",
"postalcode": "",
"promocode": "",
"sales_stage": "To Be Scheduled",
"teamid": 0,
"coc_certificate": "No",
"inst_start_date_time": "",
"inst_end_date_time": "",
"completion_date1": "",
"inst_turnaround": "",
"order_no": "{{ a.order }}",
"order_size": "{{ a.system_size_sku }}",
"prepaid_postpaid": "{{ a.prepaid_meter }}",
"elec_provider": "{{ a.electricity_provider }}",
"roof_type": "{{ a.roof_type }}",
"comment_1": "{{ a.scheduling_comment }}",
"inst_size": "",
"income": "",
"upgrade": "",
"panels": "",
"battery": "No",
"flat_roof": "",
"extra": "",
"expense": "",
"profit": "",
"o_m_fee": "65.00",
"xtra_battery": "",
"has_flat_roof": "{{ a.is_flat_roof }}",
"own_or_rent": "",
"meter_type": "",
"mnth_elec_bill": "",
"elec_phases": "{% if a.electricity_phase == 'Single' %}Single Phase{% elif a.electricity_phase == 'Three' %}Three Phase{% else %}I Dont Know{% endif %}",
"owner_insurance": "",
"dwelling_type": "",
"gosolr_pass": ""
} %}
{{ jsonPayload|to_json }}
Dwight Munson
Thanks for the quick reply Dwight,
Sadly the solution didn't work.
First, I see you put quotations around all the variables. If I do that then all of these are just strings in the final output.
Second, If I remove the quotation then the body section of the "Make Request" doesn't validate.
James van der Walt
- DwightMunson12 years agoQrew Assistant Captain
Maybe it has to do with the white space around the jinja expressions? I should have taken that out.
This is what I do with mine, in which I query records in a work request table to find work to charge project management time to. That data is the Then I use this step to loop through the data and create time cards up to the time in a.hours.
Make a request step:
Method: POSTContent Type: Application/json
Body:{{% set myDataSet = "myDBID" %}{% set myTimeStop = namespace(val=a.hours) %}{% set runningTotal = namespace(val=0.0) %}{% set relatedTimeSheet = namespace(val=a.related_time_sheet) %}{% set relatedWorkCode = namespace(val=a.related_work_code) %}{% set relatedClass = namespace(val=a.related_class) %}"to": "{{myDataSet}}","data":[{% for row in ( if runningTotal.val < myTimeStop.val %}{% set remainingTime = myTimeStop.val - runningTotal.val %}{% set currentValue = row['33'].value if row['33'].value <= remainingTime else remainingTime %}{% set runningTotal.val = runningTotal.val + currentValue %}{"37":{"value": "{{row['36'].value | int}}"},"39":{"value": "{{row['8'].value | int}}"},"28":{"value": "{{relatedWorkCode.val | int}}"},"42":{"value": "{{relatedClass.val | int}}"},"655":{"value": "{{row['13'].value | int}}"},"227":{"value": "{{currentValue}}"},"34":{"value": "{{relatedTimeSheet.val | int}}"}}{% if loop.last == false and runningTotal.val <= myTimeStop.val %},{% endif %}{% endfor %}]}
Dwight Munson