Forum Discussion

EmberKrumwied's avatar
Qrew Captain
8 months ago

Multi-level group/sort not showing subtotals

I have a report that displays time entries. The report is first grouped/sorted by Customer Name, then grouped/sorted by Project Name. After the end of each Project certain fields are totaled, however, if a Customer has multiple projects, there isn't a similar row of "totals" for the Customer.


Customer A
  Project A
     Entry 1  Cost $100
     Entry 2  Cost $200
 Tot             Cost $300
Customer B
  Project B
     Entry 3  Cost $500
     Entry 4  Cost $200
 Tot             Cost $700
  Project C
     Entry 5  Cost $300
     Entry 6  Cost $500
 Tot             Cost $800
Tot              Cost $15,000 (this is the line that is missing)
Customer C
  Project D
     Entry 7  Cost $400
     Entry 8  Cost $300
 Tot             Cost $700

Is there a property or feature I'm missing that would not only show the "total" line after each Project but also after each Customer?

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