Forum Discussion

MattLegowski's avatar
Qrew Trainee
8 months ago

Multiple form rules set for a group of sections, but only the last Rule fires

I have 10 individual sections with owner information listed (Section - Owner 1, Section - Owner 2, etc).  I have a field asking the number of owners and I was attempting to use that inputted answer to hide the extra owner fields (ie. # of Owners = 7, Hide Sections 8, 9, & 10). 

As soon as I have more than one rule, the earlier rules stop working and only the last will hide the appropriate Sections.   All other answers that should trigger the form keep at 10 owner sections listed. 

Any ideas?


Matt Legowski
    • MattLegowski's avatar
      Qrew Trainee

      That is what I have been reading, but its not clicking. 

      If I have 9 owners, I need to hide Owner #10.

      If there are 8 owners, Owners #9 & #10 are hidden.  

      How do I build the rules to be individually sectioned, if there is so much overlap going on.

      Matt Legowski
      • MarkShnier__You's avatar
        Icon for Qrew Legend rankQrew Legend

        Were you able to like though to my Cool hand Luke post. 

        you need to scrap your existing rules and start over. You need to take out a piece of paper and write the conditions under which you want to show a particular section. Then write a rule just for that section. Then turn your attention to the next section and write a rule for that section. You need to have one rule per section.

        Mark Shnier (Your Quickbase Coach)