Forum Discussion
There is a year function in QB to accomplish just this.
[Year Of Sanitary Survey Due] = Year([Sanitary Survey Due])
I believe the formula will need to be formula numeric.
Mike Tamoush
- SaviNewman12 years agoQrew Trainee
That didn't work.
So they have a date function that returns the year.
I just can't figure out how to incorporate it into my current date formula.
Year (Date d)
Description: Returns the year number of the Date d.
Example: Year([Start Date]) returns the year of the date that appears in the Start Date field.
Year(ToDate("Jan 10, 2000")) returns 2000Now adding that information with my current "WeekdayAdd([Last Hazard Survey:], 1305)"
Is my problem. :(
Newman, Savi
------------------------------- MikeTamoush2 years agoQrew Commander
Year(WeekdayAdd([Last Hazard Survey:], 1305))
Remember, your formula currently returns a date. So if you are only returning the year, your field needs to be a formula numeric, not a formula date.
Mike Tamoush
------------------------------- SaviNewman12 years agoQrew Trainee
Hmm, maybe I don't understand. :/
So, here's the end goal.
We go out to our client on a specific date, 4 years later, we need to return to the client (no specific date, just sometime during the year 4 years later on initial visit) , then after the return 4 years later, we need to show back up to our client a year later (no specific date, just sometime during the year)
How on earth can I accomplish this?
Newman, Savi