Forum Discussion

CarlaMarasco's avatar
Qrew Trainee
6 years ago

Multiple Users/Login Credentials

Can we have multiple users use the same login credentials at the same time? We'd like to have a group of technicians to have one login, but are unsure if this is allowed or if it will cause a conflict within the system if they are in at the same time.

2 Replies

  • The only option I see is creating just a "viewer" role and assign it to "Everyone on the Internet" and give them the link to view it at the same time. They cannot edit.

    Since QB is charged per user, I don't think you can use the same login for multiple users to edit a record at the same time.
  • Hi Carla, According to QB Policy it is against the policy to use multiple users on single user login. We went the way of creating separate logins for our technicians.