Forum Discussion

MikeTamoush's avatar
Qrew Commander
3 years ago

Need creative idea for report link 'dynamic' filtering

I usually 'dynamically' filter my report links by getting creative with formula fields in both the record, and the source table, and matching them up.

I'm stuck on one that perhaps isn't possible, but there seems to always be a way in QB.

My source table has a bunch of records each with a date associated. The record I am on, has a date as well. I want a report link that shows me a summary by month, of all related records in the source table that are on or before that month.

So for example, if the current record date is during December 2021, I want a report link of records from the source with dates from Dec 2021 and before.

Thoughts? I've convinced myself it's not possible, but, am I wrong...?? If the 'non exact match' function worked in reverse I could do it, but thats not the case.

Mike Tamoush
  • If you really do have a relationships between a Parent table and the details, then look up that Parent date field down to children, and use an embedded report which is filtered on that lookup date.

    Mark Shnier (YQC)
    • MikeTamoush's avatar
      Qrew Commander
      Sadly, there is no relationship. I'm simply matching Project Codes.

      Essentially, we create a Financial Report each month for each project. Once in the financial report, I simply report link to the raw financial data table, and just match Project Codes. I'm utilizing formula queries (which are awesome, one of the best new features QB has come up with in my opinion) to grab the values I want (for example, Travel costs through the selected month).

      However, the report link is hard to limit to that month and before.  It is the and before part that is the trick. Would be easy to limit to just that month, but I want to show that month and all months leading up to it.

      It's not vitally important. This falls under, would be cool if it was easy, but not necessary if it is hard.

      Mike Tamoush
      • MarkShnier__You's avatar
        Icon for Qrew Legend rankQrew Legend
        Ok, then the only solution is to have a button to put the Project in focus for the current user.  That will carry the Date from the focus Project  down to the detail records.  Then have the section or the Report link field only display  if the project is in focus.  ie don't show the details until the user has clicked to put the project in focus.  If the Project is accessed off a report  you can take away the eyeball view icon and instead make your own view button which will out the Project in for us and then display the record.

        Mark Shnier (YQC)