Forum Discussion

MrunaliKadam's avatar
Qrew Trainee
3 years ago

Need help with the formula field

Hi Everyone,

I've 2 fields need to be used in formula field - Meeting attended (field type checkbox) and  vote (field type text).
If not attended the meeting and still registered vote
then new formula field should show text "not attended but still saved vote"
else can keep this formula field blank.

I'm writing like this but getting error, please advise what is missing. 
If([Meeting Attended?]=false and not IsNull([Vote]),"Not attended meeting but voted", " ")

Mrunali Kadam
  • You cannot test for blank in a text field with IsNull.

    try this

    If([Meeting Attended?]=false and [Vote]<>"",  "Not attended meeting but voted", " ")

    Mark Shnier (Your Quickbase Coach)
    • MrunaliKadam's avatar
      Qrew Trainee
      Great, it worked! As always thanks much Mark :)

      Mrunali Kadam