Forum Discussion
4 years agoQrew Member
Thanks for the quick reply! I tried it, but now the error says 'expecting bool but found textlist'
Rebecca Garcia-Pons
Rebecca Garcia-Pons
Qrew Legend
4 years agoWhat is the field type of your formula field?
Mark Shnier (YQC)
Mark Shnier (YQC)
- RebeccaGarcia-P4 years agoQrew MemberIt's text. Should it be something else?
Rebecca Garcia-Pons
------------------------------- MarkShnier__You4 years ago
Qrew Legend
Can you copy and paste the whole formula as as well as the whole error message?
Mark Shnier (YQC)
------------------------------- RebeccaGarcia-P4 years agoQrew MemberThank you, I very much appreciate the help. I made the adjustments Michael suggested so the full formula is now:
If([Customer Type], "Corporate Coalition",
Case([Project Type Rollup],
"Audits", "Corporate Coalition-Audits",
"Consulting", "Corporate Coalition-Consulting",
"Desk Research", "Corporate Coalition-Desk Research",
"Guidebook", "Corporate Coalition-Guidebook",
"Training", "Corporate Coalition-Training",
"CUMULUS", "Corporate Coalition-CUMULUS",
"Other", "Corporate Coalition-Other"),
([Customer Type], "Foundation",
Case([Project Type Rollup],
"Audits", "Foundation-Audits",
"Consulting", "Foundation-Consulting",
"Desk Research", "Foundation-Desk Research",
"Guidebook", "Foundation-Guidebook",
"Training", "Foundation-Training",
"CUMULUS", "Foundation-CUMULUS",
"Other", "Foundation-Other"),
([Customer Type], "Government",
Case([Project Type Rollup],
"Audits", "Government-Audits",
"Consulting", "Government-Consulting",
"Desk Research", "Government-Desk Research",
"Guidebook", "Government-Guidebook",
"Training", "Government-Training",
"CUMULUS", "Government-CUMULUS",
"Other", "Government-Other"),
([Customer Type], "Large Business",
Case([Project Type Rollup],
"Audits", "Large Business-Audits",
"Consulting", "Large Business-Consulting",
"Desk Research", "Large Business-Desk Research",
"Guidebook", "Large Business-Guidebook",
"Training", "Large Business-Training",
"CUMULUS", "Large Business-CUMULUS",
"Other", "Large Business-Other"),
([Customer Type], "Small Business",
Case([Project Type Rollup],
"Audits", "Small Business-Audits",
"Consulting", "Small Business-Consulting",
"Desk Research", "Small Business-Desk Research",
"Guidebook", "Small Business-Guidebook",
"Training", "Small Business-Training",
"CUMULUS", "Small Business-CUMULUS",
"Other", "Small Business-Other"),
([Customer Type], "NGO/Non-Profit",
Case([Project Type Rollup],
"Audits", "NGO/Non-Profit-Audits",
"Consulting", "NGO/Non-Profit-Consulting",
"Desk Research", "NGO/Non-Profit-Desk Research",
"Guidebook", "NGO/Non-Profit-Guidebook",
"Training", "NGO/Non-Profit-Training",
"Other", "NGO/Non-Profit-Other")))))))))
The first instance of Customer Type is highlighted and the message when I hover over it is 'expecting bool but found textlist.' When I try to save, the error message is:
"Formula error -- Bad or missing arguments in function call
The types of the arguments or the number of arguments supplied do not meet the requirements of the function Case.
The function is defined to be Case (x, .val1, result1, ..., else-result)
You may need to do one of the following to fix the problem:- Choose the right number and type of arguments.
- Use a type conversion function to convert the arguments you are using to the correct type.
- Choose a different function."
Rebecca Garcia-Pons