Forum Discussion

KimRavizza's avatar
Qrew Cadet
2 years ago

New Form - Save button and other questions


I've got a few questions about the new form.

1. I'm trying to show the "Save" button at the bottom of my form but can't find the option to do that. The form settings only show options for when new fields are added and whether or not to include built-in fields. Is it still an option to show it at the bottom?

2. Can I not make my text a custom size anymore? I only see options for paragraph and heading.

3. Is there an option to use the old form-builder anywhere? 

Thank you!

  • I will answer one of your questions. If you  going to settings and forms and view the list of forms,  the button at the top right, will give you an option to create a legacy form.

    Mark Shnier (Your Quickbase Coach)
    • KimRavizza's avatar
      Qrew Cadet

      Thanks Mark!

  • So I found my own answer to question 1. You can no longer put the save button at the bottom of the form. Seems they have taken away this functionality. Bummer, cause I used it a lot!

    • AdamKrzyzanek's avatar
      Qrew Captain

      @Kim Ravizza I can see that if you select "Display Pages as Tabs" you will see Save button at the end of your FORM.
      Turn on Tabs:You will see tabs:

      And at the end of your last tab you see:

      Adam Krzyzanek