Forum Discussion

Personal_TaxTea's avatar
Qrew Trainee
2 years ago

New Form Rules - Feld has been updated


I have a form I'm converting from legacy to new, we have a rule on a Noes field where when someone changes that Notes, the rule is triggered. Essentially what ultimately happens is that the users name and the time and date the not was updated is added to the end of the note.

I don't seem to be able to replicate this on the new forms, there's no condition for when Notes is updated or similar. Does anyone know of a relatively simple workaround? Maybe in Pipelines, but if there's a formula that can check if the field has changed, that might help.

Thanks in advance.


Personal Tax Team
  • If you're not married to doing it the same way - you could just move it to a Pipeline. You could do it with a form rule if you wanted and I'll respond accordingly if you do, but a simpler solution would be to make a pipeline that triggers on the notes field changing and when it does simply put the last modified by and last modified date into your fields for tracking. It won't happen in real time on the form like form rules but the result is the same. 

    Chayce Duncan
    • Personal_TaxTea's avatar
      Qrew Trainee

      Thanks Chayce, I would be keen to keep it as simple as possible, be it with the form rules or if that's more complex with the new forms, a Pipleine would be fine.

      Thank you for your assistance.


      Personal Tax Team
      • ChayceDuncan's avatar
        Qrew Captain

        I would personally just go with a Pipeline then - triggered on when the Notes field changes and just write back the last modified information into your log fields. Simplest solution to go with new forms at this point in my opinion. 

        Chayce Duncan