Forum Discussion

MitchDetwiler's avatar
Qrew Member
2 years ago

New Form Rules

Why do the new form rules only act as if only the first rule is present when it comes to hiding fields?

I have a rule that hides fields when a certain state is present. When I add a subsequent rule with a different state, that is supposed to hide different fields, it acts as if only the first rule exists. It shows all the fields I want to hide when the first rule is not met, and does not access the second rule to hide the appropriate fields.

Can someone please tell me why this is happening and if it can be fixed? I would rather make these rules than create all these other reports because of future maintenance time if fields or rules need to be added.

The screen shot gives a gist of how I have the current rule structure.

Mitch Detwiler
  • Are you attempting to show/hide the same fields in different rules? Such as saying in Rule 1 if State = DE then show Field A, then in another rule, where State = KY show Field A again? Your screenshot seems to just show the list so it's hard to tell. 

    The new forms are much more prohibitive than Legacy Forms around conflicting rules. It's more important to break up any rules that have potential conflict. 

    Chayce Duncan
    • MitchDetwiler's avatar
      Qrew Member

      Yes, I am attempting to hide the same fields with slight variation.

      Would each of these hidden fields have to essentially be different rulers based on the new form structure instead of different states hiding a pool of fields that overlap from state to state?

      Mitch Detwiler
      • ChayceDuncan's avatar
        Qrew Captain

        Unfortunately, that is probably the answer. I would say technically the way you did it before with targeting the same field with conflicting rules isn't best practice, and the new forms just happen to be stricter on enforcing them. 

        The best structure is to show/hide a field in only one rule. So if in your example you need to show the field for KY and DE, then your rule would be if State = DE OR State = KY, show the field. Rinse and repeat for the fields that are specific to one or a subset of states. 

        Chayce Duncan