Forum Discussion

GlennHopkins's avatar
Qrew Trainee
2 years ago

New Forms - adding a field doesn't always work.

Just wanted to throw this out there in case anyone else has experienced this?  When adding a field into the "New Forms", the popup windows doesn't always seem to work, sometimes does and sometimes takes forever.  I'll try a different browser to see if it's consistent or not there.  I'm using Chrome now but will try it in Edge next.

  • Tried this in Edge and experienced the same issue.  I'll keep testing to see if it's just my machine.  ; )

    Glenn Hopkins
    • KellyBianchi's avatar
      Qrew Assistant Captain

      I find that it doesn't work in 'Edit Mode', but works in 'View'. If I'm in edit mode and click on a link, it will replace the current screen, but in view mode, it opens a new window. I mentioned this in the feedback forum.

      Kelly Bianchi
      • KellyBianchi's avatar
        Qrew Assistant Captain

        Sorry - I missed part of your post, so my response doesn't apply.  Although, I haven't had the issue with adding fields, and I've created a lot of forms. I am also using Chrome and I'm on a Mac.

        Kelly Bianchi
    • GlennHopkins's avatar
      Qrew Trainee

      Adding to the post...

      Hi Sharon, I had an issue with my pipelines where I could no longer edit them.  Turned out to be a cookie issue in the browser named, "".  Once I deleted it, my pipelines started working.  So I decided to see if this issue with the "New Forms" might be related.  I found that if I deleted the "" cookie, it appears to have resolved the issue.  I'll keep testing to see if it rears its ugly head again.  FYI, I'm using Windows 11 with Chrome.

      Glenn Hopkins