Forum Discussion

NickCharalambou's avatar
Qrew Cadet
12 months ago

New Forms - existing Dynamic Form Rules

We are slowly creating New Forms for our apps, replacing the old-style forms.

What would make our job a lot easier, is being able to export the current dynamic form rules, so we can tick them off / reconsidering how we achieve some of the functionality.

Any thoughts?

Nick Charalambous
London, UK
  • There is not an actual export feature - the best you can do it try and scrape it and copy the contents into a CSV / Excel file. Just off the cusp if you're familiar with using your browser console you could try: 

    var csv = "";

    $(".rulerule").each(function() { csv += $(this).text() + "\n" })

    Then copy the context of csv into notepad or equivalent to save as a CSV and then open in Excel. Not perfect but gets the 'wording' of the rule into a digestable format you could manage. 

    Chayce Duncan

    • NickCharalambou's avatar
      Qrew Cadet

      Thanks Chayce - Did the scrape to grab the table.  Worked ok, but some of the rules are incomplete in the table.  In other words it does not reflect all the detail.  See the attached screenshot as an example.

      Nick Charalambous
      London, UK

      • ChayceDuncan's avatar
        Qrew Captain

        It's going to be an imperfect system unless you actually have some kind of RPA or crawler that can open up each rule and process/do something with it. The actual rule text gets regenerated in the page each time you click on a new rule as I've seen so there isn't a simple script to grab them all unless you actually do something that opens up each rule to process it and process the new HTML. Perhaps others have come across alternatives though. 

        Chayce Duncan