Forum Discussion

TroyMacPherson's avatar
Qrew Cadet
12 months ago

New Forms: Dynamic Rule to Require Fields and Prevent Save

I have a legacy form that a relatively simple condition that I am having trouble replicating Using the New Form.

Legacy Form:

User selects a Related Record to start the form. 

When they change the Related Record from <blank> to a value, a File Attachment field becomes Required due to a dynamic form rule.

This has prevented the record from being saved without a File Attachment.

New Form:
User selects a Related Record, and the File Attachment field becomes required (Dynamic Form Rule) - but this does NOT prevent saving.  I do see the ability to add an action to Prevent Save when the condition is true, but it doesn't revert to Allow Save when the condition is false.

What am I missing?  Do I need multiple rules to make this work?

Troy MacPherson

2 Replies

  • Hey Troy, this may be a bug with the new Forms, which I haven't implemented in our yet, so I haven't encountered the scenario your describing.

    However, it seems like other may have and they may be able to further help! Check out item 2 in Joel's list in the New Form Builder Rules - Where is the bug list? blog post.

    Brian Seymour
    • TroyMacPherson's avatar
      Qrew Cadet

      Hi Brian - Appreciate the link to the thread - agree, it looks like a bug. 

      I'm relieved it's not just me (for once).



      Troy MacPherson