Forum Discussion

SamCole's avatar
Qrew Cadet
2 years ago

New Forms Report Link Not Filtering Records Like Old Forms

In adding a Report component to a new form, and using the form element option to "Filter using report link settings"... even with "Value Matching" in the Report Link field options not checked, it will only display a record if that exact string matches and is the only value in the Target field. Same Report Link field filters perfectly in old forms, but not in new forms.

Has anyone else come across this? Is it just a bug in the new forms? Or are there tweaks that need to be made to target fields, etc in order to filter correctly on the new forms?

Would love to use the new forms, but definitely want to be able to see the filtered report directly in the form

Sam Cole

  • Note: Adding the Report Link directly to the new forms only shows a link to the filtered report. When doing this, and clicking the link, the report does filter correctly, and shows all records whether they match exactly or not.

    It's only when adding a Report component to the form, then using it's options to filter using the Report Link, that it doesn't display correctly.

    Sam Cole
    • MikeTamoush's avatar
      Qrew Commander

      I just started trying new forms and came across this same bug. Also, I found that if in my report link I use a formula to match, it doesnt work. For example, lets say I have a formula text field called "Event Name". And I want to match that in a foreign table. No matter what, it looks at my formula text field as blank and only matches to blank values. Quite frustrating. I have found the report links in new forms to be quite buggy.

      Mike Tamoush
      • BobThomas1's avatar
        Qrew Cadet

        I have been working with the new forms from some of our old forms. In the Warranty table, the old form shows in Hardware Warranties field column names, [Date Purchased, Hardware-Serial Number & Hardware-Asset Tag field names]. 

        The new forms under Hardware Warranties doesnt?

        Bob T.
  • When adding a new field select "Report". It functions like adding a report to the new dashboard.

    Barry Dolan