4 years agoQrew Trainee
New Formula Queries Don't Work when Adding Records?
I'm trying to use the new formula queries to prevent the addition of a new, duplicate record in my "Tours" table. There are reasons why I cannot just use the Unique flag...
The Tour ID is the key field and is in the format "102521HL1" (MMDDYY and "HL1").
I have the Tour ID being created automatically based on the departure date of the tour, concatenated with "HL1". I want the formula field to query all the existing Tour ID's in the same table and return either a multi-text list of existing records or the number of records that are the same.
I've tried both:
GetFieldValues(GetRecords("{6.EX.'"&[Tour ID (Paste)]&"'}"),6)
Size(GetRecords("{6.EX.'"&[Tour ID (Paste)]&"'}")
where [Tour ID (Paste)] is a static text field that is populated from a formula using a form rule.
I've also tried where [Tour ID (Paste)] is replaced directly with the formula field, but that doesn't work either.
The result of my formula query is always "???"
When I replace the field name in the formula with a static value of "090821HL1" it works fine. Why is my reference not working?
Michael Frishman
The Tour ID is the key field and is in the format "102521HL1" (MMDDYY and "HL1").
I have the Tour ID being created automatically based on the departure date of the tour, concatenated with "HL1". I want the formula field to query all the existing Tour ID's in the same table and return either a multi-text list of existing records or the number of records that are the same.
I've tried both:
GetFieldValues(GetRecords("{6.EX.'"&[Tour ID (Paste)]&"'}"),6)
Size(GetRecords("{6.EX.'"&[Tour ID (Paste)]&"'}")
where [Tour ID (Paste)] is a static text field that is populated from a formula using a form rule.
I've also tried where [Tour ID (Paste)] is replaced directly with the formula field, but that doesn't work either.
The result of my formula query is always "???"
When I replace the field name in the formula with a static value of "090821HL1" it works fine. Why is my reference not working?
Michael Frishman