Forum Discussion

JoanPlesa's avatar
Qrew Member
4 years ago

New QB Report Columns Unable to Filter Multiple Choices


With the new QB in Reports I see that you can filter for multiple options.  I have one column that only allows one choice although there are 240 members in that column.  I checked and made sure that the Field Properties match with the other columns but still only offered one choice.  Is there anyway to make this a multiple choice filter?

Joan Plesa
  • I am not sure without testing what the limit is for the maximum number of  choices offered as being able to be selected but above some number it just becomes a free form field that you can type into. Imagine if you had 10,000 choices.   Obviously that would be a crazy number so they have to pick some limit. 

     However in both the filter box or also in any column you can put all or part of your search terms separated by OR  in capital letters. 

     So for example if it was a list of pets you could type in 

    cats OR dogs OR gerbils 

     The name of the pet is not case sensitive but the OR must be upper case.  And of course you don't need to type the complete word that you're searching as it will get hits on partial phrases.

    Mark Shnier (YQC)
    Quick Base Solution Provider
    Your Quick Base Coach
    • JoanPlesa's avatar
      Qrew Member
      I'm not sure if I phrased the wording correctly of my problem.  I have a report.  See below for column names:

      In all columns I can filter for multiple choices ie: Provider Status I can click on the filter and choose Active, Inactive and Pending from the drop down and it will show all Providers in those 3 statuses.  However when I click on Provider name it won't show a drop down and will only let me pick one Provider.  I would like to be able to filter for multiple providers.

      Joan Plesa
      • MarkShnier__You's avatar
        Icon for Qrew Legend rankQrew Legend
        Right, so I believe that  did understand your question and what I'm saying is beyond a certain number of choices they do not offer a drop down. So there is no way to get a drop down.
        My suggestion was if you know one or two or three provider names that you're looking for you can in fact search on them by name and you can choose multiples by separating the phrases by OR. 

        So I was just trying to offer a next best alternative.

        If you had some way to have a different report that had fewer different providers then it would offer a drop-down list.

        For example if you made a summary report where the user drilled into a summary report and you set the table report as the target perhaps according to where they drilled down in the summary report they would be able to pre-filter the drill down target so that there would be fewer choices.

        Mark Shnier (YQC)
        Quick Base Solution Provider
        Your Quick Base Coach