Forum Discussion

PaulPeterson1's avatar
Qrew Assistant Captain
3 years ago

New Table Based on a Field

I just noticed the option to create a new table based on a field that was in the previous report view is not available in the options for the new style reports(obviously It's not something I do often).  Do I have to go back to the previous report style or is the functionality just moved somewhere else in the new style report?

Paul Peterson

2 Replies

  • QuickBase is slowly working through the missing functionality on the new Table reports. My understanding is that the number one priority is performance, "speed".   Then they will circle back to work on the missing options that are either missing or greyed out. Meanwhile yes just flip back to the old report style.

    Mark Shnier (YQC)
    • PaulPeterson1's avatar
      Qrew Assistant Captain

      Thanks Mark!

      As you can tell with the huge time gap since they introduced the new report style I don't use that feature often.  Thanks for the update.

      Paul Peterson