Forum Discussion

MichaelRose's avatar
Qrew Trainee
9 months ago

No way to get rid of Legend/Key on Gauge charts?

This looks like garbage. I don't care about gauge charts personally, but management loves them. Is there any way to get rid of the legend?

Michael Rose

2 Replies

  • I'm don't see an option to hide them when viewing the report directly.

    As a potential workaround, you may want to check the options available when embedding the gauge report on the newer Dashboard. Or consider creating a formula to round the numbers in your report to tidy up the values in the legend/key for nicer presententation? 

    Brian Seymour
    • MichaelRose's avatar
      Qrew Trainee

      Thank you for the suggestions. I went ahead and redesigned the dashboard with New Dashboards.

      FWIW, the data being gauged are whole integers. The double values are being created by QB when it divides the range by 3 -- best I can tell.

      Really appreciate the suggestions, thanks again.

      Michael Rose