Forum Discussion

JoshMcDuffie's avatar
Qrew Member
29 days ago

Notification with attachment

Hi, - So I have a notification that goes out with a lot of information in it, and one of the items on the record is a PDF of some scanned documents.  When my users receive the notification, if they click the PDF it attempts to take them to the record, but if they aren't logged in already, they get a "page does not exist" error.  If they are logged into Quickbase in their browser it successfully launches the PDF.  Is there an easy way to "force" the login, or should I just email them via a pipeline instead?  I don't want to open up the record or PDF to anyone without a login.  Thanks in advance. 

  • Try editing the field properties to allow viewing without logging in.  But in theory that reduces security.

  • Try editing the field properties to allow viewing without logging in.  But in theory that reduces security.