Hello, I have a formula for color coding: Case([BUDGET LINES CREATED],false,"#000000") & Case([BUDGET UPDATED],false,"#000000") How can I use OR operator instead of AND ($) tried | - does ...
The or only needs to be in upper case if user as a filter in a report. In a formula the upper lower for the or does not matter.
Andrew, What was the error message when you save?
------------------------------ Mark Shnier (YQC) Quick Base Solution Provider Your Quick Base Coach http://QuickBaseCoach.com mark.shnier@gmail.com ------------------------------
Give it a try, it surprisingly does have this behavior in both color coding and regular formulas. If you change the or to uppercase it gives an error that says "Expecting ," but it works when lowercase.
What matters is if the formula will save. The formula editor is not always 100% perfect.
------------------------------ Mark Shnier (YQC) Quick Base Solution Provider Your Quick Base Coach http://QuickBaseCoach.com mark.shnier@gmail.com ------------------------------