Forum Discussion

AndrewFry's avatar
Qrew Assistant Captain
6 years ago

Order of Template copy

I have a few templates setup and using automation, copy them over to my parent record as child records.

However, it seems that the automation copies the most recently created template record first, then second to most recent, third to most recent, etc etc.

When I created the template records, I created them in the order that I complete them.


  1.  Empty the dishwasher.
  2.  Rinse dirty dishes.
  3.  Place cups in dishwasher.
  4.  Place plates in dishwasher.
  5.  Place utensils in dishwasher.
  6.  Place detergent in dishwasher.
  7.  Close dishwasher.
  8.  Start dishwasher
But when they get copied over to the parent record via the automation, it ends up being backwards:

  1. Start dishwasher
  2. Close dishwasher
  3. Place detergent in dishwasher
  4. Place utensils in dishwasher
  5. Place plates in dishwasher
  6. Place cups in dishwasher
  7. Rinse dirty dishes
  8. Empty dishwasher

I can sort them by the child Related Record ID# in the parent form, but it still is somewhat confusing for users as the Record ID# what is should be the last step (e.g. Start Dishwasher) is prior to the Record ID# of what should be the first step (e.g. Empty Dishwasher).

I added an Order field to the template records and sorted by that, thinking that perhaps the automation was simply taking from the top of the report down, but that did nothing.

Is the automation designed to do this, copy the most recent one first?
Will I have to re-input my template records starting with the last and ending with the first?

I really don't want to as it was approx 120 different records with various fields.

Any thoughts?

  • not tested but just a hunch.  Try changing the default sort of the source table to be the sequence you want.  Maybe the default sort is high to low on last modified by.

    Mark Shnier (YQC)
    Quick Base Solution Provider
    Your Quick Base Coach
  • not tested but just a hunch.  Try changing the default sort of the source table to be the sequence you want.  Maybe the default sort is high to low on last modified by.

    Mark Shnier (YQC)
    Quick Base Solution Provider
    Your Quick Base Coach
    • AndrewFry's avatar
      Qrew Assistant Captain
      So you were on point. I was also able to change the sorting based upon the Order field, rather than the Modified field.

      Thanks for the insight Mark!!

    • AndrewFry's avatar
      Qrew Assistant Captain
      I tried something similar to that.

      I created an Order field, an manually entered a number representing the order, i.e. 1, 2, 3 ... 8.

      I then sorted that source table by the order number, lowest to highest, and ran the automation, but I still got the same result.

      I did not try, however, sorting it by the create or last modified date.

      Perhaps the automations look intrinsically to the create or last modified date, regardless of how or by which other columns/fields the table is sorted by.

      I will have to give that a try!

      Thanks for the suggestion Mark!
