Forum Discussion

damienpage's avatar
Qrew Cadet
2 years ago


Am new to Pipelines and hoping someone may be able to assist.

Trying to create a pipeline that checks inbound outlook emails, then based on certain critera of email update a record.

Have connected Outlook.

Email subject line contains the QB record ID, and the body just contains the text I wish to push into a blanks field.

Am using the Triggerd Pipeline, and Workflow is Trigger email, then update record.

I set the trigger to search for something specific, but i can't seem to have the 2nd part of the workflow (QB update record) as it suggest there is nothing to search even though imn theory the record ID is being pulled from the email...

Any assistance appreciated.

damien page

1 Reply

  • It could be a data type issue. If the pipeline is searching a numeric field for a text it would never find it even though its the same value. You could try something like adding {{ record_id | int}} after parsing the subject of the email to ensure it's numeric and you are comparing apples to apples.

    Nathan Allan