Forum Discussion
Qrew Legend
3 years agonp,
Make a new field of type user called maybe [Last Modified by before Pipeline].
Have the Pipeline also populate that field with [Last Modified by].
Mark Shnier (Your Quickbase Coach)
Make a new field of type user called maybe [Last Modified by before Pipeline].
Have the Pipeline also populate that field with [Last Modified by].
Mark Shnier (Your Quickbase Coach)
3 years agoQrew Member
Hi Mark,
Thanks for answering that. Just to make it clear I make a formula/user field before the pipeline and then add that to the pipeline?
Is that correct
Thanks for answering that. Just to make it clear I make a formula/user field before the pipeline and then add that to the pipeline?
Is that correct
- MarkShnier__You3 years ago
Qrew Legend
No, you make a regular user field called
[Last Modified by before Pipeline]
Then have the Pipeline populate it. but I realize now that would need to be the first step of the pipeline or at least a step before the pipeline modifies the record. Also we do not yet have the ability to insert Pipeline steps so you may need to rebuild your Pipeline.
Mark Shnier (Your Quickbase Coach)
------------------------------- RameshSingh3 years agoQrew MemberMark,
Thank you for providing the recommendation. I would go ahead and try this. I might rebuild the pipeline.
Fanil Dhirajkumar Mehta
Fanil Dhirajkumar
------------------------------- DonLarson3 years agoQrew EliteMark's answer will solve your issue.
I would strongly suggest adding another User to the system that owns all the Pipelines. That way when the Pipeline runs the Last Modified will say something like Pipeline Admin.
Now it is obvious that business logic changed the record and not an actual person. This way when some data issue comes up and management asks "who changed the record last ?" your name is not part of the conversation.
Don Larson
- AshleySolomon2 years agoQrew Trainee
Hey Mark,
I thought this solution would work for a workflow that I am trying to solve for with a PL.
"Last Modified By" shows up as an option to Trigger Step A off of, but not as an option for Subsequent Steps. Thoughts? Is this a bug possibly?
Ashley Solomon
------------------------------- MarkShnier__You2 years ago
Qrew Legend
My suggested solution was to make a new field of type User, and not try to change the built in field.
if you specify your new field that you created as part of the trigger step in the place for fields to be used in subsequent steps, then it should be offered further down the pipeline as a choice to populate.
Mark Shnier (Your Quickbase Coach)