Forum Discussion
Thanks Gary. I must not be understanding how the "Import with CSV" option works because I am not seeing anything about "Browser url" or "File transfer handle" in my pipeline options. Only:
- What is the URL of the .csv file
- What fields/data in the .csv file do you want to map to the Quickbase table fields
I'll definitely give your suggestion a try but I can't find where you got your "File Attachment" screenshot from.
Aaron B
I just realized you might be misunderstanding what I want to do.
Your solution looks like it will be able to grab that attachment from an existing record and put it somewhere else.
What I want to do is:
- Read the .csv file
- create a new record in a 2nd table for every entry in the .csv file
I don't want to move or copy the .csv file anywhere.
Aaron B
- Gary12 years agoQrew Assistant Captain
Your first screenshot has a redacted file attachment URL, so either you're hardcoding that URL into the pipeline or you're getting it from a previous step. Based on your response, I'm assuming you're hardcoding it. Can you confirm?
If you were to query a record that has the file attachment, you would see the two fields I mentioned above. When handling files from with Quickbase in a Pipeline (whether you're transferring them from record to record, or just using them for whatever), I believe you need to use the "File transfer handle" and not the URL.
------------------------------- Gary12 years agoQrew Assistant Captain
I just tested this out and it worked.
- Quickbase > Look Up a Record
- Quickbase > Bulk > Import with CSV
Step 1 finds the record with the file attachment. Then use the file handler field from step 1 as the URL in step 2.
Heads up, the Look Up step was a bit janky for me. It threw an error when I just typed in the record ID (96). To get it working I had to use Jinja: {{96|int}}
------------------------------- AaronB2 years agoQrew Trainee
WoooHooo!!!! You are awesome. It worked just like you said it would.
I would have never figured it out myself....and thanks also for the record ID Jinja tip. That would have thrown me for a loop too. I'm still trying to figure out this Jinja thing.
Aaron B
- AaronB2 years agoQrew Trainee
Confirming the hard code of the url. Done by right clicking on the file and choosing "copy link".
I'll look into your suggestion of using the file transfer handle, although I am still perplexed why the "Import with CSV" option seems built to do exactly what I need.
Aaron B
------------------------------- Gary12 years agoQrew Assistant Captain
Welcome to Pipelines :)
It will work the way you expect it, but this is just a weird "feature" of pipelines when using Quickbase file attachments.
Remember, the CSV URL could be any URL, not only a Quickbase URL. My guess is the file handler is a sort of a pre-signed Quickbase URL that allows pipelines to grab the file without having to authenticate.