Pipeline Jinja Issues
Hello Quickbase Community!
I'm having issues with a pipeline.
Step A: Quickbase Channel - Quickbase API - Make a Request
Essentially, I query data in a table and get back some JSON data. This step works completely fine.
Step B (the problem step): Quickbase Channel - Quickbase API - Make a Request
This request is to post data to a test table for now. I'm trying to run a for loop on the data. I'm eventually going to incorporate the myTimeStop variable, but it can be ignored for now. I'm trying to iterate through the data, adding a line for each one, and keeping a running total for row '33'.
This works, but it's still resetting the runningTotal to 0.0 in each loop for some reason. Table ID redacted.
{% set myDataSet = "myTableID" %}
{% set myTimeStop = 5.0 | float %}
{% set runningTotal = 0.0 | float %}
"to": "{{myDataSet}}",
"data": [
{% for row in a.json.data %}
{% set runningTotal = runningTotal + row['33'].value %}
"6": {
"value": "{{row['36'].value}}"
"7": {
"value": "{{row['8'].value}}"
"8": {
"value": "{{row['13'].value}}"
"9": {
"value": "{{row['33'].value}}"
"10": {
"value": "{{runningTotal}}"
{% if not loop.last %},{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
I've tried this, but it gives me a vague error. It's pretty much the same as the top, but I'm appending each line to the list as later I want to iterate through the data until I hit the timestop variable and then add that list to Quickbase.
{% set myDataSet = "myTableID" %}
{% set myTimeStop = 5.0 | float %}
{% set runningTotal = 0.0 | float %}
{% set data = [] %}
{% for row in a.json.data %}
{% set runningTotal = runningTotal + row['33'].value %}
{% set item = {
"6": {"value": row['36'].value},
"7": {"value": row['8'].value},
"8": {"value": row['13'].value},
"9": {"value": row['33'].value},
"10": {"value": runningTotal}
} %}
{% do data.append(item) %}
{% endfor %}
"to": "{{myDataSet}}",
"data": {{data|to_json}}
I'm just not understanding why it doesn't like the second variation. It passes the test initially, but when run gives a vague "Something went wrong executing a step. Try modifying your pipeline."
Also, not understanding why in the first one it's not actually keeping a running total.
Dwight Munson