Forum Discussion

JonathanHade's avatar
Qrew Member
2 years ago

Pipeline QB query results in an array to send out Outlook send email request

Currently attempting to send employees reminders regarding several topics, also these employees don't have user names within QB and I would be pulling their email addresses from the database. Currently able to run it if I assign the index location, but seemingly unable to get looping functions to work. I am able create duplicate send email actions with their index location, but seems problematic. Currently operational with manually calling out [0],[1],[2]. but obtain error messages when not all three requests are completed, additionally, I am limited to 3 records. 

Seems like there should be a simpler method to loop these requests

Jonathan Hade
  • Are you trying to send one single email to all users in the query or send them individually similar to your screenshot? 

    When you query from Quickbase - you can do a for each loop native to the Pipeline as Step (B) essentially that allows you to loop through each returned record and just do {{}} for example - you don't need to index since you're actually in a loop and able to grap those values while in the loop. 

    If you're trying to only send one email to all recipients, then you'll need to use Jinja to do a loop within a single send email action to pull all the emails into a single message. 

    Chayce Duncan
    • JonathanHade's avatar
      Qrew Member

      I had the loop in place yesterday but didn't have the send email request under the DO command, working as intended. Thanks for the assistance. 

      Jonathan Hade