Forum Discussion
It should be easy. You should be able to refer to the Record ID# in the step that created the record.
Mark Shnier (Your Quickbase Coach)
That's what I thought, but the option isn't available. The only options are from the Search Steps.
Kelly Bianchi
- MarkShnier__You2 years ago
Qrew Legend
That is strange. Can you temporarily switch back to the Legacy Pipeline view and see if you can refer to the Record ID the old way? Or if you feel more comfortable, make a copy of the pipeline and try getting at that reference on the Legacy UI?
Mark Shnier (Your Quickbase Coach)
------------------------------- KellyBianchi2 years agoQrew Assistant Captain
I believe I was using the wrong approach. I think the better solution would be to Import with CSV triggered by a file being uploaded to a shared Google Drive. This would allow me to merge records, so I can use any unique field option. I am attempting this in another app, but getting this error, even though the Shared Drive Settings is set to 'Allow viewers and commenters to download..." I believe there's another level of permissions that I would need to request from the Google Workspace Administrator, but not sure if they will like the idea of making the folder publicly accessible. Any thoughts on this approach, Mark? ...or anyone?
Kelly Bianchi