Forum Discussion
OK. How about this for an idea. When your pipeline runs update, a particular field with the date and time of the update.
OK. How about this for an idea. When your pipeline runs update, a particular field with the date and time of the update.
Then make a new table with a single record in it for the purpose of serving as a parent to changed records. The record ID of this single table record will be one, and make your relationship back to all the detail records. Create a report link field on that record and impact report of pipeline records changed today in the group. The changes by say date changed.
Create a report link field on that record and impact report of pipeline records changed today in the group the changes by C date changed.
Then when the pipeline completes, you can update a trigger field on the Parent Record and trigger an email notification with that embedded report to go to whoever you like.
Mark Shnier (Your Quickbase Coach)