Pipelines Date/Time Jinja Date is Between Two Dates-Send Auto
I am trying to search for when a date/time field will fall between essentially a 24 hour window starting from when the pipeline is triggered (likely hourly but potentially 3 different pipelines with 3 different times daily)
Ultimately this is going to trigger a text message through our Twilio connection.
It keeps posting as "No Records Found" and it is killing me! I tested the Jinja in some date/time fields and that part seems to be working. I don't know why it is saying "No Records Found"
[Date/Time Filed] is between
{{ time.now|timezone('America/Los_Angeles') }}
{{ time.now|timezone('America/Los_Angeles') -time.delta(hours=24) }}
Checkbox Field #1 is yes
Checkbox Field#2 is yes
When I look at the [Date/Time Field] it 100% is between the two times.
I even tested the Jinja Expression in other fields to make sure it is printing the correct times and it is!
Any and all guidance is appreciated.
Joseph Mahon