Forum Discussion
I think your question was kind of confusing so probably that's why no one answered, including me. Can you better explain the data setup in the records. What do you mean by the older record. What is the definition of the previous "older" record.
Maybe you need to show us an example of what some example records might look like in a table and what the new record would look like and then what do you want to happen.
Mark Shnier (Your Quickbase Coach)
Hi Mark, sure. Answers to your question on Older Record. I am just referring to a previously submitted record prior to the new one being submitted. What I am trying to do is show the date if this employee has had a previous verbal warning on this new record for a written warning.
I have a date field that is being automatically filled when an Exact Forms Plus document is generated. That is the one being filled when the button is clicked.
What I am hoping to try to do is fill in a field "Verbal Warning Date" on the new record with the date of that field.
The rule is both records must be from the same name on the both records.
So essentially what this would be doing is going back through all records in the table looking for the same employee name and checking to see if the "Verbal Warning Document Creatio Date" field is filled in. If it is, fill in the "Verbal Warning Date" field with that date.
Brian Dunk
- MarkShnier__You2 years ago
Qrew Legend
Is there a relationship in place where 1 Employee has Many Warnings?
Mark Shnier (Your Quickbase Coach)
------------------------------- BrianDunk2 years agoQrew Cadet
There is a relationship setup where an employee has many Incidents (records) that have the warnings on them.
Brian Dunk
------------------------------- MarkShnier__You2 years ago
Qrew Legend
You can make a summary field on the relationship looking for the maximum of that field, Then use a form rule or the URL formula button you say users are clicking on, to populate that Previous Verbal Warning field. Until you actually save the record, the Previous Verbal Warning Date / Time is in fact the most current one - the Maximum of that field.
Mark Shnier (Your Quickbase Coach)