Forum Discussion
- MarkShnier__YouQrew LegendNot by formula, but if course, you can have two separate fields called
[Words for view mode]
[Words for add mode]
and then put them both on the form
Mark Shnier (YQC)
Quick Base Solution Provider
Your Quick Base Coach
------------------------------ - BlakeHarrisonQrew CaptainYou can - sort of. Formulas can have criteria that will differentiate between Add and Edit/View, but not between all three. To do this, you would setup criteria that looks at the 'Record ID#' field. If that field is 0 or Null, you're in Add mode.
Blake Harrison
DataBlender - Quickbase Solution Provider
Atlanta GA
404.800.1702 /
------------------------------- MichaelTamoushQrew CaptainThanks Mark and Blake. I have used both of those techniques, just making sure I wasn't missing anything sneaky that was available natively when writing my formula.
Mike Tamoush