Forum Discussion

DavidDavid4's avatar
Qrew Trainee
11 years ago

prevent duplicate records - combined key

I have a bridge table between two entity tables; a many-to-many relationship. For example, Beers, Distributers, Beer_Distributers.

I want to prevent duplicate entries in the Beer_Distributers table. A duplicate entry would be one where two records that have the same Beer_id and Distributer_id

9 Replies

  • Build a formula-text field concatenating the [Related Beer] & "-' & [Related Distributor] and then make that field Unique.
  • No problem
    Make a text formula field with the formula


    .. and turn on the Unique checkbox for that field.

    call the field something like [Same BeerID - same Distributor ID] so that you error message is meaningful to the end user of your app. Try entering a duplicate, observe the red error message and edit your field name to make the error message instructive to the user.
  • I have the same issue, but the solution doesn't work. i get this error "This formula is incompatible with this field being marked unique. Please change the formula or uncheck the unique checkbox."
  • I'm guessing that you are using a lookup field in your formula.

    You may not make a lookup field part of the formula.  for example instead of using [Customer Name] in the formula (which is a lookup field), use [Related Customer] which is not a lookup field.

    If that is not the problem I suggest that you post a new question and explain what field types you are using in your formula.
  • I did use a lookup field from a parent, the [related field] only showed the record ID instead of the name. I made the name the Record ID in the parent table and now it works. The parent table can't have duplicate names.

    Thanks for the quick reply!