Forum Discussion

IvanWeiss's avatar
Qrew Captain
6 years ago

Prevent Notifications to yourself

Good afternoon all!

I have a table for tasks.  Within the tasks table I have a field with a user list called Additional Task Followers.  This way we can select who gets notifications.  I also have a field for Assigned To which is the person the task is assigned to.

I have a formula field for Users To Receive Notifications and it combines these two lists.  So it takes Assigned To and Additional Task Followers and makes them one list.

I have a notification setup so that anytime a task is added, changes, etc. it notifies this Users To Receive Notifications list.  How do I exclude the person making the changes?  It is annoying to get notifications emails everytime we do something.  But the problem is I need to do it dynamically as multiple people could edit that task.

Ivan Weiss
  • EricMohlman's avatar
    Quickbase Staff

    I just utilized a test app, and setup this formula to accomplish what you outlined here:
    var text Users=UserListToEmails(ToUserList(ToUserList([Assigned To]),[Additional Task Followers]));
    var text LastModifiedEmail=UserToEmail([Last Modified By]);


    You could continue the pattern to contain all 20 possible choices for your List-User field. With this formula list user field in place, you would then trigger your notification to go to this list, and it will exclude whomever last edited the record.

    Eric Mohlman
    • IvanWeiss's avatar
      Qrew Captain
      So would that work between the save and the notification going out?  I would think that formula would only update once you hit save and I am not sure what comes first, chicken or the egg?

      Ivan Weiss
      • MarkShnier__You's avatar
        Icon for Qrew Legend rankQrew Legend
        The record will be fully saved and all fields recalculated, including summary fields,  and then the Notification will fire if the conditions are met.

        Mark Shnier (YQC)
        Quick Base Solution Provider
        Your Quick Base Coach