Forum Discussion

KatyKaty's avatar
Qrew Trainee
6 years ago

Problem adding new user

Can anyone advise regarding adding new users? We have a new staff member starting and it does not seem to be working. Normally I just add them and then they receive an email invite. No emails are being received. I have also tried just using the email address to set up a new account that way but again, this requires verification but no emails are being received. 

I have obviously checked junk etc. 

I have done this many times in the past so not sure what the problem is? 

Any advice appreciated


6 Replies

  • Hi Katy,

    This most often happens when our initial email to that user is held by their email provider. This is not uncommon for an email provider to hold or review an email from a new sender to an inbox if it isn't part of the company whitelist. When this happens that user ends up on our email providers suppression list that blocks them getting email from Quick Base to avoid being considered Spam. The best way to get a resolution for that user is to reach out to the Care Team here at Quick Base and let them know the specific user email that is having issues. That way we can look on our end to see if it is being suppressed and retrigger those emails once they have been cleared. You can put in a case when signed into Quick Base by clicking on the question mark icon that appears in the upper right hand corner and selecting Manage Support Cases or directly here

    To help avoid this from happening we do recommend that Admins make sure that the Quick Base email server ip addresses are whitelisted, as are the email addresses we use to end out content. You can find a knowledge base article we maintain with the current ip addresses and email addresses to whitelist here
  • JasonJohnson's avatar
    Qrew Assistant Captain
    We occasionally encounter this issue with clients being added and will send a direct link to an app from our email when it occurs. Not every client will whitelist and when we went to whitelist our IT took 2 days to address the ticket.
  • Thanks - I have checked with our email provider and they can't see that any emails have been blocked. I have raised a case with QuickBase so hopefully they can assist. 
  • JasonJohnson's avatar
    Qrew Assistant Captain
    We have issue with notifications showing up 20 minutes to 4 hours after trigger action has occurred. We worked with our IT, Quick Base and Quick Bases email provider to resolve the issue. We whitelisted every address given and it is still nobody's fault and still won't work.
    Keep us posted and maybe you find what is causing our issue.
  • Quickbase have fixed mine now - apparently the email address I was adding had been blocked by Quickbase, which is strange as it's a brand new email but on the same domain as all of our others. They've removed the block and I've set it up now. 
    • RyanMatteson's avatar
      Qrew Trainee
      I wonder if the same thing is happening to me, exact same situation.