Forum Discussion

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Qrew Captain
8 years ago

Problem with one of Dan Diebolt's pasties for embedding a bar graph in a form

So I am not sure where I am wondering off the path, but I can't follow Dan's Pastie #492

I created the newest version of IOL but in following these directions I had to make a change based on what I saw in the code-see below.

[iol] value is:

<img qbu='module' src='/i/clear2x2.gif' onload="javascript:if(typeof QBU=='undefined'){QBU={};$.getScript(gReqAppDBID+'?a=dbpage&pagename=

[/iol] value is:

module.js&rand='+new Date().getTime())};">

I created a Chart field of formula-text type:

[iol] & "module.js" & [/iol]
"<div class='QBU_Chart'" &
"  data-rid='" & [Record ID#] & "'" &

I copy & pasted the code from the site, changing the variables for dbid and dbidtable1 to reference my tables, plus created an app token and changed that variable.

In my table I created columns with the same fruit headings and populated them with numbers. Below is a shot of what I get back when I look at the records:

I know it's blurry, but in the charts field I just get the formula back.

Any help is greatly appreciated!
  • I am in a meeting on a tablet but I see two issues:

    1) the IOL field should have the option "some HTML allowed" checked

    2) your definition for [/iol] should not include the text "module.js".
  • Sorry to take so long to reply back!

    I know your IOL document says make sure to select "some HTML allowed" so of course I have to make sure to NOT select that :)

    Anyway, that did make the plot show up with 4 lines, yay! But the lines do not actually extend for any length nor do the have a number count.
