So you have two questrions. The easy one first.
The syntax of the List function is to separate non null fields with the separator string define as the first parameter. Also the List function only works for text fields so you need to use the ToText function on the [Project number].
So if you want the separator character to be a space, then it would be
List(" ", ToText([Project Number]) , [Customer Code], [Jobsite City], [Jobsite State]))
For the [Project number] you can make a formula which would result in your desired format, by taking the [Record ID#] and adding say 111000 to it.
[Record ID#] + 110000
But if the app is still under development and there is no real data yet, you might consider seeing what your current highest Record ID# is and then literally going into excel and creating almost 110000 records and then importing those into the project table and then deleting them. That will run up the Record ID# counter and then you can cleanly have the Record ID# match the [Project Number] for ever more making things simpler in the future. then inch your way up to 111000 by adding records manually and deleting them.
But be cautioned, that the only way to reset the Record ID# down to a lower number is to make a copy of the app without data and he counter starts off at blank/zero again, so don't overshoot.